When did everyone first start watching Dark Shadows?
I did a report on vampires in the seventh grade, and I read about Dark Shadows in a book I checked out from the library. The very next year the revival series with Benjamin Cross came out. I watched every week of its short run, and I began collecting the Dark Shadows VHS tapes shortly after that. I watched a bit when the show ran on the Sci-Fi Channel, but I really didn't start watching it religiously until a few years later when I began collecting the tapes and then the DVDs.
This streaming service is a dream come true! :)
Also, I am proud to say that I signed up Halloween night, and I started watching from the very beginning on November 1st. It's nice coming home from work every night and catching an episode or two before bed. I just finished episode 50 last night.
I started watching after school don't remember the first seasons just the Barnabas Collins years. All the neighbor kids would come over and gather in front of the TV. It is indeed one of greatest memories of childhood.
I started watching back in 1969 when I was 8 years old.
It was a must watch but only after homework was done...so glad to find this site
I was introduced to Dark Shadows in 1983, my grandmother was a fan and she got me started on it.